H A R R Y  G R I S W O L D: Poet, Photographer, and Author of Two Poetry Books
Photo: Steel and Glass Building, by Harry Griswold


to my website and my pursuit of poetry.

Poems are carefully chosen words—
and not too many of them.

Words carry meaning, sound, and
connotation, each with its part to play.

So, being careful is a critical concern.

As poems inch their way out of me, I let them
set off to find the minds and souls of others.

Figurative language helps: simile, metaphor,
select details such as assonance, anaphora,
alliteration, even humor and hints of rhyme,

I hope you enjoy your visit to my website.
Thanks for stopping by.

Photo: Statue with Arm over Head, by Harry Griswold Photo: Horses with bells and blinders, by Harry Griswold Photo: carved Corbel Head, by Harry Griswold