H A R R Y  G R I S W O L D: Poet, Photographer, and Author of Two Poetry Books
Photo: Steel and Glass Building, by Harry Griswold


...to my website and my life in pursuit of poetry. Poems are carefully chosen words, and just enough of them. Words come loaded with meaning, sound, and connotation, and each has its part to play.

So, “careful” is a word I live by. I let the poems dig their way out of my mind, perceptions, and experiences, let them set off to wriggle into the mind and soul of anyone who comes upon one of them.

I’m working my way down the long list of poetic devices that help me along, and someday I’ll get past assonance, anaphora, and alliteration into the b’s and beyond.

My only recommendation is to read a bunch of good poems. Enjoy the mighty pleasures of poetry. And thanks for stopping by my website.

Photo: Statue with Arm over Head, by Harry Griswold Photo: Horses with bells and blinders, by Harry Griswold Photo: carved Corbel Head, by Harry Griswold
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