H A R R Y  G R I S W O L D: Poet, Photographer, and Author of Two Poetry Books

Copyright Information

Privacy Policy

The official Harry Griswold website contains text, proprietary computer code, and photographs that are protected by international copyright conventions. Resale use of any content, including text, computer code, and photographs, of this website is prohibited.

Within the conventional practices of fair use, you are welcome to download material from this website for your own personal, not-for-profit, non-commercial use. Please keep intact all copyright and proprietary notices when doing so.

If you would like to quote passages of material or to use photographs from this website, especially for commercial use, please contact Harry Griswold. He will respond to requests as soon as possible.

Unless otherwise noted, content and photographs at this site are copyrighted © 2007–2020 by Harry Griswold.

Photographs of Harry (except for the shot of him playing the oboe) are copyrighted by Stephanie Webber.

Copyrights of blurbs and reviews included at this site remain with their original authors.

Application and site programming are copyrighted © 2007–2020 by Clare MacQueen. All rights reserved.

The original version of this website was designed and built by Clare MacQueen, and launched in February 2008.

In October 2014, just after the release of Harry’s second collection of poetry and at his request, Clare re-designed and rebuilt the website.

We, Harry Griswold and Clare MacQueen (the Webmaster), take your privacy seriously. We do not collect personal identifying information about you when you visit this website, unless you specifically provide such information in your email messages to us.

We do invite your comments and suggestions and provide you with links so you can email us with your feedback. When you contact us, we will use your name and email address only in order to respond to your questions, comments, etc. (And we will never bombard you with numerous replies, unsolicited offers, or marketing spam.)

We do not sell, rent, or exchange your name and email address, or any other information about you, to third parties for marketing purposes.

This website includes hyperlinks to websites that are maintained by other individuals and groups. Most of these websites are operated by close friends and associates who do not collect personal information from site visitors without their knowledge and permission. However, we must point out that, outside this small “network,” we have no control over the availability, accuracy, or content of third-party websites, including their policies about privacy and information collection.

Generally speaking, each website sets its own privacy policy and may collect information from site visitors, including placement of cookies on computers for marketing and personal-profile purposes. We consider this an invasion of privacy and thus refrain from placing cookies on anyone’s computer. We urge you, as a general precaution, to review the terms, conditions, and privacy policies of any site you visit.

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